Are you ready to start a church?
Everything you need to plant a “COME AS YOU ARE” church from start to finish.
Starting a church is a high Calling from God and the prospect can sometimes be
overwhelming – Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI) is here to support your Calling and dream to start a new church! We have developed some important tools and resources to help you through the process of following God’s Calling on your life.
Get a FREE AsUR Church Planting Road Map!
Get your FREE copy of the AsUR Church Planting Road Map, especially designed to help you understand the steps to starting a church as well as help you develop a timeline for your own journey to start a church.

Assess your readiness for starting a church.
Church Planter Profiles© is a two-part online assessment that was created to help potential church planters discern their aptitude and readiness for starting a new church, as well as their own personal hardwiring, quickly and easily in an online environment. Assess your launch and leadership teams too to understand how your team can work most effectively together!
The Holy Spirit has made you overseers to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

How will you prepare?
Once you understand your readiness for church planting, who God has wired you to be through Church Planter Profile, and have mapped the gifts and Strengths of your team, you will be better prepared for the challenging task ahead. Based on data from assessing over 17,000 Church Planters, we identified areas that every church planter needs to developed our 36-week training program called Church Planter Cultivate©.
Cultivate prepares you to start a new church through expert content, guided real-world experience, and transforming relationships. Through a series of inspiring learning challenges, you will develop habits and skills essential to effectively start a new church, and create a contextual strategy to reach your community through church planting. We identified key skills every Church Planter needs and developed our 36-week church planter training called Cultivate.
Church Planting Services

Join the asUR Network
Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI) is mobilizing churches & church leaders to launch church planting Networks as a part of the asUR Movement—leading people to “come as you are” but not “stay as you are” in churches that actually restore a lost, broken world around them.
We desire to support church planting movements all across the U.S. by assessing and equipping leaders to start, grow and multiply new churches that have a culture that allows people to “come as you are, but not stay as you are.” We see the Church fulfilling its God given mission when it helps people move from lost to leading in the Church.