Legal Incorporation

Filing legal documents in the development of your church as a new non-profit corporation is one step of many in your church planting journey. Gateway Leadership Initiative has partnered with Wagenmaker & Oberly, trusted legal advisors to non-profits, to provide these services to church plants at a cost-efficient flat-fee rate.
If you would like to read more about why new churches need legal counsel, read this summary to learn more.
About Wagenmaker & Oberly
A Brief Summary of Services
Legal Services Provided: We will provide legal services for each of the following initial steps for church development:
- Develop and file articles of incorporation, for formation of new nonprofit corporation:
- Obtain federal employer identification number;
- Develop bylaws (per client questionnaire, and generally for elder-led, independent governance structure), including attached conflict of interest and dispute resolution policies;
- Develop “First Minutes” document that sets forth each church’s initial, official corporate steps (e.g., approval of bylaws, appointment of officers, approval of banking institution and corporate signatories therefor);
- Provide access to electronic corporate notebook, containing key corporate
documentation and general client guidance on operation of nonprofit organizations; - Provide initial guidance on annual reporting requirements for legal compliance;
- Provide initial guidance on charitable fundraising, including receipting;
- Provide initial guidance on employment-related matters, including referral to payroll service, and advice on clergy housing/parsonage allowance;
- Provide guidance on state Attorney General charitable registration requirements (churches are typically exempt);
- Provide initial guidance on real estate considerations (lease, purchase, qualification for state property tax exemption, shared facility usage);
- Add each church plant’s key leaders to our law firm’s e-newsletter distribution list, so that they can receive our law firm’s periodic general guidance;
- Prepare and file IRS Form 1023 tax-exemption application, with supporting narrative and financial information (and California tax-exemption application, for California churches).
If you would like to learn more about this service, please complete the form below and we will get you additional information.