Strengthen Your Existing Church Planting Efforts
Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI) has been supporting the efforts of Church Planting Agencies for decades. We believe thousands of new churches need to be raised up out of our culture. We have designed our resources to help Agencies assess, train and equip the Church Planters in their Network. Below are some of the resources agencies like you are using in their own church planter efforts.

Assess Your Planters
A Church Planter Profiles© agency account allows your staff assess your planters readiness for church planting in a convenient online environment and includes the following features;
- View and Upgrade your list of Profiles
- Upgrade Profiles from your admin Panel
- Basic automated email messages
- File Manager – upload your own files and documents for your planters to read and complete.
- User Manager – add additional users to your account who can view planter profiles and results.
- Customization available for system emails and subdomain to match your logo and colors
- Custom Forms – Agency can add all forms needed to approve a Church Planter for the field to your CPP Agency account. These custom forms can be filled out on line. Anyone with the Agency log in can comment or make notes on each planters file
- Master login – allows a denomination or network to see all their Church Planter Profile Assessments and Forms from each area/regional agency account using one master login

Develop Your Planters
Church Planter Cultivate© was developed by successful church planters who have seen thousands of people find faith, grow, and become leaders of the church. Cultivate combines expert content, guided real-world experiences, and transforming relationships to help planters develop a contextual strategy specifically designed for their culture.
Cultivate was designed for the contemporary church planter seeking to reach our global, post-Christian world. Agencies are using the powerful 36 week course to train & equip their church planters. Pricing discounts are available to agencies.
Cultivate also offers Church Planter Coach Training, allowing you to train your own stable of Church Planting Coaches to use Cultivate with our online 8 week training with a Master Coach.
*Bulk Pricing Available
Church Planting Services

Join the asUR Church Planting Network
Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI) is mobilizing churches & church leaders to launch church planting Networks as a part of the AsUR Movement—leading people to “COME AS YOU ARE” but not “Stay as you are” in churches that restore a lost, broken world around them. We desire to support church planting movements all across the U.S. by assessing and equipping leaders to start, grow and multiply new “come as you are” churches. We measure success in the Church when we see people move from lost to leading in the Church.
Network Agencies enjoy discounts on events and services along with other benefits.